John Stephen Thomason, known to friends and family as Steve, was a teacher by profession/ His interest in folk music begab at school and continued at Bangor University in the 1960s. He begab writing his own songs later on in his life, influenced by his love of the countryside, folklore & the oral tradition/ He wanted to share his songs with others, and this has been made possible through Soundcloud on the internet and through this book. 

Theresa Thomason

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  Men Of Stone

Grey Wethers

Beneath A Moorland Sky

Rillaton Neck

Dartmoor Rivers

Lathkill's Stream

God's Harvest

Selkie's Gift

Harvest Home

Harvest Song

The Green Man

Midwinter Song



Annie Brookfield

Off To The Workhouse

John Kelshall

 The Knarrs

Kettleshulme Weaver

The Knocker Up (The Weaver)


The Stockman

Taid's Song

Homeward Bound

The Bard

Union Song

The Land It Calls Out To Me

Sergeant Said Son

Where Were You In Our Need

Poacher's Transportation

Tracks In The Snow

Irish Maid

Sail Away

Oak, Meadowsweet and Broom

The Hiring Fair

Last Lullaby

Old Songs

Sound Of Union

Adieu Old Friend